Geordie Duckler - Animal Law Practice Animal Law Practice
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Animal Law Practice Areas


831 SW Hume St.
Portland, Oregon 97219
map & directions


Telephone: (503) 546-8052

Fax: (503) 841-6278


Geordie Duckler, Attorney
Consultation: $300 (in state) / $350 (out-of-state)
Hourly rate: $350/hr (in state) / $400/hr (out-of-state)

Mary, Legal Assistant

For more information visit our website where you will find additional information about the defense of animal related crimes and the prosecution and defense of animal bite and attack cases.

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All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons and images, as well as the compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of the content is the property of The Animal Law Practice, and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. Any other use, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, or performance of the content on this site is strictly prohibited, except as explicitly consented to by the Practice. The information on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not to be taken as the expression of legal advice. The Practice makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied a) as to particular results that can be achieved, b) about the quality of the services provided in comparison with the quality of any services another firm or attorney may be able to provide, c) that the Practice is seeking out or encouraging any specific person to retain legal services, d) that users are being given any manner of legal advice, or e) that the Practice has the ability to represent clients in any jurisdiction not specifically mentioned in the site.

831 SW Hume St.  •  Portland, Oregon 97219  •  503-546-8052

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